Welcome to the Official site for Bob Krakower

Bob on SetBob Krakower is recognized as one of the top acting teachers and coaches in the business. His clients have been nominated for the Academy, Emmy, and Tony Awards. He is currently creating inaugural on-camera acting programs at UNCSA and Juilliard. He has been on guest faculties at Yale, Harvard, & NYU. Sought after by studios, networks, producers, and actors, he works out of home bases in New York and Los Angeles, while maintaining a schedule of coaching on set for film and television around the country. Click here for Frequently Asked Questions.


Check out Bob on "The Paul Mercurio Show" Podcast 1
Paul Mercurio Show Podcast 2 Check out Bob on "The Paul Mercurio Show" Podcast 2

To Subscribe to Paul's Podcast: "2 Chairs and a Microphone" Go to paulmecurio.com.


Bob's Upcoming Classes




Thanks for swinging by. 


We hope that you and your families are safe and well. This is, and continues to be, our utmost concern. In the meantime...


Our team is available for remote coaching should you find yourself in need. And we'll be offering some Zoom classes to actors already working with us. Keep an eye on this space for updates and other possible on-line offerings. We're working hard to figure out how best to serve you during this challenging time. And we'll see your further on up the road when our city allows us to congregate again. Until then ...


Be safe Be well.

BK & The Gang









We tell stories in pictures.

And as we’ve watched with our own eyes in real time, we’ve been reminded how powerful pictures can be. As Will Smith said, “Racism isn’t getting worse. It’s finally getting filmed.”


Like you, I’ve been watching our country slip away then explode all around us, knowing that I didn’t – and still don’t - have any wisdom or insight to add to the conversation. And as the silence of our leadership grew more deafening, the powerless feeling in my heart grew with it.


“You’re not powerless,” my daughter suggested, “there is something you can do.”


And while I’m not on social media, for better and worse, spreading the word is all I know how to do. So I ask your forgiveness for my intrusion into your lives as anything other than an acting teacher. We have many people of color in our rooms. And after over a week of discussion, here are some links strongly suggested by your acting brother & sisterhood - Please take a look.


Listening. In our lives it is so important and in our work it is at the core of everything we do. I’m not smart enough to offer anything of intelligence. I honestly have no idea what we do now. I do know staying quiet is not an option. Who knows: Maybe if we end our silence, we can stop the violence.


Be safe.

Be well.